
Monday 6 January 2014

Review: Pret A Prier. What a bloomin' great idea!

#pretaprier, what a wonderfully exciting product! I've been meaning to share my thoughts on this product since I came across it a short while ago. It just so happens that I met it's creator/founder, #IsmatMalas, at the #femalebloggersnetwork meetup that I went to recently (check previous blog entry). I spoke to her at length and discovered that she's a lovely person with a humble and simple idea: 'to allow women to pray/worship wherever they are, however they may be dressed.' Finally, a product that isn't focused on making you look more attractive, but on allowing you to focus on your soul and achieve a spiritually elevated state-wherever you are.

All too often, there's been that awkward moment where, it's time to pray, and you think 'ooh, hold on, I'm not sure I can pray in this?' (come on, be honest, it's happened to us all). This is where the idea springs from.

This light, portable, and pretty praying Abaya (if you can call it that?) is ideal! It comes in a range of colors, from bold to discreet, and it's sleek design means you can pop it into your handbag, or in my case the bottom of the pushchair/stroller, and you're set. Now, anytime you hear that Adhan, you whip out your stylish salat cape and you're on that prayer mat faster than the Imam can say 'salat' (don't forget your wodhu!)

You can get yours soon at

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